Thursday, January 29

What's on my fridge?

Pictured: The Woolseys, The Crusts, The Klassens, Hannenman and The Havenors

As you look at this picture you may be wondering who the heck these people are? And for those of you who see yourselves in this picture are wondering why I am posting a pic of you!

These 5 pictures mean alot to me. These people are our treasures, they are our lifelong-forever friends. These are the people in our life that we have choosen, been through alot with, some have endured for over 10 years, some are across state lines (and at one point across the world), and some are right here under our nose. We have first hand experienced physical miracles with 2 of you that will never be forgotten.

I keep these pictures posted on the side of my fridge so I remember to look at them everyday. I try to remember to pray for them. I am grateful for each of you and cannot simply express the depth of our love for each of you. Also thank you for being our best friends, for accepting us and loving us anyway. I love you all, miss you terribly and can't wait to be together again!


  1. Wow. I normally only care about what's inside the fridge. I also know that my picture is there mostly because I am married to Sue. But one of the greatest achievements in life is captured in that circle of friends. Suffice to say that being on that sucker is what life is all about and I am glad that we will be knitted, heart to heart, forever. Now, got any chocolate cake or extra icing inside the fridge? I'll be right over. Bob

  2. You guys, our forever friends, are on our fridge too!

  3. It made me sooooooo happy to see that we're on there. :-) You are on our fridge too. Although we DON'T have Woolseys because they never sent us anything. Poo-poo heads. You are our forever-friends. Love you more than words can say. We were just talking about you guys and our time there tonight. Missing you real bad!
